What is this

You don’t get
rainbows without
a little rain.

We work to weather the storm with you.

Monday Motivation!

Join us on Mondays at noon, and network with like-minded business owners.  This is a great opportunity to set your weekly goals and hold yourself accountable in your business.  

Every week we start with an introduction, some words of wisdom from an amazing business owner, and then we have a quick round of q & a.  The time flies and sets us up for the week ahead.

The cost... $100 every 3 months (the first two weeks are free as a great introduction to our sessions) 

Many business owners worry that they won't be able to handle the pressure.

In setting up One Umbrella we have provided the tools and network for you to set realistic goals for yourself and your business. 

The five fears of running a business

Fear of Failure. This fear can stem from a variety of sources, including a lack of confidence in one’s abilities, a fear of rejection, or a fear of not being able to meet the expectations of others. The key to overcoming this fear is to focus on the potential rewards of starting a business rather than the risks. 

Fear of Financial Insecurity  Starting a business can be expensive, and it’s natural to worry about not being able to generate enough revenue to support yourself. To overcome this fear, it’s important to have a solid financial plan in place. 

Fear of Lack of Knowledge Businesses are best built through trial and error, through hands-on application. More often than not, you learn as you grow; as you experiment, take calculated risks, and find out what works best for the venture you’re trying to build

Fear of Stress and Responsibility To overcome this fear, it’s important to prioritize self-care and to set realistic goals for yourself and the business

Fear of Not Having a Great Idea Let your business ideas flow, test them out, and learn from the experience. Ultimately, you’ll be able to discover a business idea that is also your passion, and then the odds of success increase much more after previous experiences

Join us under our umbrella.

We're getting ready to dance in the rain.

Our work